Syracuse Limits Bathroom Breaks Due to Exam Cheating Concerns
Updated: Taking a bathroom break during an exam is harder than it used to be at Syracuse University College of Law.
Due to cheating concerns, the New York law school has limited first-year students to one visit to the restroom per exam, among other measures being taken to combat the alleged outbreak of academic dishonesty, reports the Post-Standard.
Those with a medical need to use the facilities more often must provide documentation to the law school, the newspaper notes.
An unknown number of first-years were allegedly texting from their cell phones in restrooms during exams.
Although the crackdown on bathroom breaks appears to be limited to Syracuse, at least for now, the law school situation has inspired a satirical post on Litination, as Above the Law points out.
“Reporting” that a well-known BigLaw firm plans to take its oversight of summer associates to the next level and require them to get hall passes before using the facilities, the Litination blog also indicates that the firm–which, of course, is not actually doing this–is ready to impose penalties on violators, too.
“If a summer associate is found wandering the halls without a hall pass or with a hall pass that was issued more than 10 minutes ago, their eventual start date will be delayed an additional year,” Litination writes.
Updated on May 13 to include information about subsequent Litination post.