Supreme Court Orders Reargument in Case of 'Hillary: The Movie'
The U.S. Supreme Court has scheduled a special September session to consider whether it should overturn earlier rulings upholding limits on corporate and union campaign contributions.
The order delays a ruling in the case Citizens United v. FEC, the Associated Press reports. The issue before the justices was whether a documentary blasting Hillary Clinton is an electioneering communication subject to the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law. The film, Hillary: The Movie, was critical of Clinton. Its backers wanted to show it on demand on cable television.
The reargument order says the parties should address whether to overrule Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce and part of McConnell v. FEC upholding McCain-Feingold, SCOTUSblog reports. Austin held that state governments may bar corporations from using corporate treasury funds to support or oppose candidate elections, according to the SCOTUSblog live blog.
“This is very big,” Loyola law professor Rick Hasen writes at his Election Law Blog.