U.S. Supreme Court

Supreme Court approval rating peaks among Democrats, hits low point among Republicans

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The public approval rating for the U.S. Supreme Court has become more polarized along party lines than at any point in 15 years of Gallup polling.

The approval rating among Republicans plummeted to a 15-year low of 18 percent, a drop of 33 percentage points since last summer, according to Gallup.com. The approval rating among Democrats, meanwhile, rose to 76 percent, a gain of 29 percentage points since last September and the highest in 15 years.

Among all Americans, 49 percent approve of the job the Supreme Court is doing. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog notes the findings.

The poll was taken in July after Supreme Court rulings finding a constitutional right to same-sex marriage and allowing subsidies for low-income people in all states under the Affordable Care Act.