Animal Law

Supporters Rally Round Dog While Worker Recovers From Mauling

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Thousands of people have petitioned New Jersey’s governor for a pardon for a dog named Congo sentenced to die for mauling a landscaper.

The German shepherd attacked Giovanni Rivera as he arrived with a crew of day laborers at the home of Guy and Elizabeth James. Among the injuries he suffered was a six-inch bite wound that required surgery and a five-day hospital stay, the New York Times reports. It’s unclear whether the dog attacked because Rivera grabbed Elizabeth James, or whether Rivera grabbed the woman in an effort to protect himself after the attack began.

The case has spurred anti-immigrant sentiment, with one Web site posting saying the dog “deserves an award” for the attack.

A judge ruled Congo had to be killed under a “vicious dog” law. At court hearings, Congo’s owners had presented a defense witness who testified the dog was merely protecting his master and letters from character witnesses who told of the dog’s good nature. The ruling is on appeal.

Supporters attended court hearings and organized rallies for the dog. Meanwhile Gov. Jon Corzine has received more than 4,000 phone calls, letters and e-mail messages on Congo’s behalf. A spokesman says there will be no pardon.