Trials & Litigation

Suit Claims Real Estate Agent Used Lawyer’s Home for Sexcapades

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A Minnesota lawyer and his pastor wife claim in a lawsuit that their real estate agent used their home for “unauthorized sexual escapades” while they were in London for a working holiday.

The suit filed by Adam and Sarah Bunge says Coldwell Banker Burnet had to spend more than $7,000 to clean the Maple Grove home and change the locks, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reports. The suit also claims someone accessed credit card information on the couple’s home computer and spent $1,300 on purchases.

Coldwell Banker fired the realtor, who denies all the allegations, and he has lost his license, the story says.

Bunge told the Star Tribune a neighbor e-mailed him to warn of “some weird stuff going on at our house.” Now, he says, he and his wife are so upset by the intrusion that they can no longer live there. “It feels like we have been violated in every sense of the word,” he said.

Hat tip to Above the Law.

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