Legal History

Student winners of ABA's Magna Carta video competition are named

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Magna Carta contest winners

The winners of the ABA’s Magna Carta video competition, from left to right: Dallas Greene, Joshua Babu, Jacob Staudenmaier and Allison Gooch.

Four Arizona high school students have won first place in an ABA video competition with the theme “Magna Carta: What’s So Great about the ‘Great Charter’?”

The students will get a free three-day trip to Washington, D.C., for winning the competition commemorating the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. They will receive their award at an ABA luncheon at the U.S. Supreme Court, according to this website.

The winners, who attend schools in Phoenix and Scottsdale, are Allison Gooch, 16; Jacob Staudenmaier, 15; Joshua Babu, 14; and Dallas Greene, 15. Their backgrounds are summarized here (PDF) and their video is here.

The competition was sponsored by the ABA and its Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division, the Center for Teaching the Rule of Law, and the National Center for State Courts; and co-sponsored by the ABA’s Young Lawyers Division, Law Student Division and Division for Public Education.

The competition is part of a year-long ABA commemoration of the Magna Carta. The document, sealed by King John of England in 1215, was an early acknowledgment of the rule of law. According to the winning video, the document changed the course of human history and brought about many cherished rights.

Also in conjunction with the anniversary, the ABA Division for Public Education has created a new multimedia website called Magna Carta: Icon of Liberty. It launched this week, and contains a gallery of images, an interactive timeline, and list of resources to learn more about Magna Carta. It was created with the support of the Magna Carta Trust.

Updated on Feb. 17 to add information about launch of the Magna Carta: Icon of Liberty site.