Law Firms

Steptoe & Johnson Seeks Injunction to Stop Nearby Hamburger Fumes

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Steptoe & Johnson contends a nearby hamburger restaurant in Washington, D.C., is producing too much smoke and fumes, and it wants a judge to do something about it.

Yesterday the law firm asked a Washington, D.C., judge to issue an injunction to stop Rogue States, a Burger Grilling Company, to put an end to the emissions, according to The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times. Judge John McAdams Mott gave the parties until Aug. 10 to resolve the case, but said he was inclined to grant injunctive relief if no agreement is reached.

The firm’s March 10 lawsuit claims the restaurant fumes are entering Steptoe’s air-intake system, causing employee health problems such as nausea, headaches, dizziness, drowsiness and distraction, the BLT says.

The restaurant and the building owner say a $63,000 exhaust system was installed and fumes have been reduced since the suit was filed.