Supreme Court Nominations

Sotomayor's Nomination: Today's News

  • Print “7th Circuit Upholds Gun Ban, Agrees with Sotomayor”

Associated Press: “First lady cites Sotomayor’s example to graduates”

Blog of Legal Times: “On The Hill, Sotomayor Tests Out a Catch Phrase”

Boston Globe: “Sotomayor in for a grilling, but a fair one, GOP vows”

CNN: “Borger: Why Gingrich withdrew ‘racist’ label”

McClatchy News Service: “Public disagrees with Sotomayor in poll on affirmative action case”

National Law Journal: “Critics Pounce on Sotomayor Reversal Rate”

Politico: “Ron Wyden: Sonia Sotomayor says Roe v. Wade established law”

Washington Post: “A Senator’s Who’s Seen the Other Side”

Washington Post: “But Enough About Her”

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