Supreme Court Nominations

Sotomayor's Nomination: Today's News

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Associated Press: “Ensign meets with Sotomayor”

Black Chronicle: “A Sotomayor Sense of Justice “

Trail Blazers (Dallas Morning News): “Cornyn won’t vote to confirm Sotomayor to Supreme Court”

The Hill: “NRSC Chairman Cornyn to oppose Sotomayor “

First Read (MSNBC): “Cornyn, Hatch: No on Sotomayor”

New York Times: “N.R.A. to Count Sotomayor Votes”

Politico: “Cornyn says no to Sotomayor”

Wall Street Journal: “Republican Gap Widens Over Sotomayor”

Washington Times: “NRA sets sights on senators backing Sotomayor”

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