Supreme Court Nominations
Sotomayor's Nomination: Today's News “Sotomayor Confirmation Seems a Lock, as 3 GOP Senators Say They’ll Vote for Her”
Atlanta Journal Constitution: “Gingrich: Which Sotomayor will be on court?”
Greenwire: “Sotomayor Hearings Repeatedly Touched on Enviro Issues”
Los Angeles Times: “Firefighters say the law matters, not empathy”
Media Matters for America: “Hannity smears Franken, falsely alleging he asked Sotomayor about Perry Mason ‘instead’ of ‘her judicial philosophy’ “
National Law Journal: “Hearing portrays three different Sotomayors”
Caucus (New York Times): “Analysis: Sotomayor on Foreign Law”
Wall Street Journal (sub. req.): “The Supreme Court Kabuki Dance”