Supreme Court Nominations
Sotomayor's Nomination: Today's News
Argus Leader: “Jury still out on Sotomayor, Thune says”
First Read (MSNBC): “Sotomayor: The GOP’s fine line”
The Hill: “Conservatives demand GOP delay Sotomayor vote”
Jurist: “New ‘Diversity’ Needed for Supreme Court Nominees”
Media Matters for America: “Will media start calling Justice Thomas out-of-the-mainstream?”
Montgomery Advertiser: “Sessions takes aim at Sotomayor’s past rulings on right to bear arms”
Opinionator (New York Times): “Keep Your Shirt On”
Roll Call: “Don’t Blame Democrats for Republican Obstruction of Obama’s Judicial Nominees”
Slate: “Part 1: A Connecticut City’s Race Problem Sparks a National Debate”
Wall Street Journal (sub. req.): “Private Clubs That Aren’t Private Under the Law”