Supreme Court Nominations

Sotomayor's Nomination: Today's News

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Associated Press: “Sotomayor quits women’s club after GOP criticism”

Big Blog (Seattle Post-Intelligencer): “Chart of the Day: Sotomayor, Palin among top female newsmakers”

Caucus (New York Times): “Conservative, and a Fan of Judge Sotomayor”

Findlaw: “What is Fair Game for the Sotomayor Hearings?”

New York Times (letter): “Sotomayor’s Justice”

New York Times: “In New York, Sotomayor Put Focus on the Poor “

Oklahoman: “U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn meets court pick; Sen. Jim Inhofe declines opportunity”

Political Intelligence (Boston Globe): “White House launches Sotomayor PR offensive”

Top of the Ticket (Los Angeles Times): “Kenneth Starr endorses Sotomayor. What will Rush Limbaugh say?”