Supreme Court Nominations
Sotomayor's Nomination: Today's News “Few Quotable Quotes in Sotomayor Opinions; Was Ambition the Reason?” “Sotomayor Made Shaw Pittman Apologize for Partner’s Questions” “Economics Prof: My Grandma Would be ‘Appalled’ at Sotomayor’s Low Savings”
Miami Herald: “Sonia Sotomayor’s proud mom returns to her Margate home”
New York Times: “Scenes From Judge Sotomayor’s Courtroom”
New York Times: “On Sotomayor, Some Abortion Rights Backers Show Unease”
New York Times: “Sotomayor’s Opponents and Allies Prepare Strategies “
Washington Post: “Secretly Selling Sotomayor”
Washington Post: “Heritage Shapes Judge’s Perspective”
Updated at 6:40 p.m. to link to New York Times article about Sotomayer’s potential position on abortion.