Some Law Firms Hiring Trusts and Estates Lawyers
The recession is providing work and jobs for trusts and estates lawyers.
Lawyers in this practice area are helping clients transfer assets with decreased values to relatives, the Recorder reports. Uncertainty about the estate tax under a new administration also provides opportunities, the story says.
At least three law firms with California offices are adding lawyers in this practice area, according to the Recorder. They are:
• Farella Braun & Martel, which hired four estate-planning lawyers from Thelen.
• Seyfarth Shaw, which added a five-lawyer group in Los Angeles.
• Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman, which hired a few trusts and estates lawyers in the Silicon Valley and is planning to add more in various offices.
Lawyers in the practice area told the Recorder that there are two advantages for law firms with trusts and estates practices: New clients may end up needing help from other lawyers in other practice areas, and the work is steady.
“It can never get too hot unless you’re doing high-end litigation, and it can’t get too cold, because people die and want to minimize taxes,” Seyfarth Shaw partner Alan Yoshitake told the publication.
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