Legal Writing

Six words tell law school story

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True or not, the story goes that Ernest Hemingway won a bet that he could write a story in six words or less. The author delivered this tale: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Marquette legal writing professor Lisa Mazzie believes six-word stories are great practice for writers who need to be concise. She has asked students and professors to write their own six-word tales about law school or law-related themes at the Marquette University Law School Faculty Blog. The Wall Street Journal Law Blog (sub. req.) and TaxProf Blog note the results.

Some of the stories:

• Hanging shingles, he fell into debt

• Law school. My personal debt crisis.

• Sanity sustained by pounds of coffee.

• Work harder than ever, no guarantees.

• The Framers should’ve been more specific.

The Law Blog offered some of its own, including: You’ll get hired. So they claimed.

Share your own compositions in answers to our question of the week: Write a six-word memoir of your law career.

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