Justice Department

SG May Jump into High Court Argument with Voting Rights Case

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The nation’s new solicitor general may be so eager to prove herself that she will argue an important voting rights case before the Supreme Court at the end of the term.

Legal Times quotes an “informed source” who says Solicitor General Elena Kagan is angling for the case, set for argument on April 29.

Kagan would be defending the law’s preclearance requirement for changes affecting voting in all or parts of 16 states with a history of discrimination, the Associated Press reports.

David Garrow, a Cambridge University historian, told AP that Kagan’s first high court appearance will be closely watched “simply because she’s never given an argument before. But I don’t think there’s any chance for a train wreck. She’s a smart person.”

AP calls Kagan’s new job “a possible audition” for a position on the U.S. Supreme Court.

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