Sotomayor Confirmation Is a Certainty, SCOTUSblog Says
Only two days ago, Tom Goldstein was outlining possible lines of attack against U.S. Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor in a SCOTUSblog post.
But now the well-known Supreme Court practitioner and journalist says in a SCOTUSblog post today that 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals jurist is virtually certain to be confirmed for a seat on the nation’s highest court.
Although he personally is a believer in the importance of a “substantial, sustained inquiry” into a nominee’s judicial philosophy and intellect, the political reality is that “it is all over but the swearing in,” he writes, given the Democratic majority in the Senate.
The Obama administration’s unexpected speed in announcing Sotomayor’s selection Tuesday “caught opponents basically flat-footed” as far as advancing credible opposition in the news media is concerned, Goldstein writes.
Now, having failed to make their case during the critical 48-hour period established by the 21st-century news cycle, they will, realistically, have little or no opportunity to do so.
Additional coverage: “Sotomayor’s Nomination: Today’s News”
Washington Post: “Battle Lines Are Drawn On Sotomayor Nomination”
Last updated at 8 p.m. to link to Today’s News post.
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