Media & Communications Law

Science Writer Wins Libel Case After Fair Comment Right Is Recognized

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In a blow against United Kingdom libel laws that some observers see as too heavily weighted in favor of plaintiffs, a science writer has essentially won a libel case in which he was sued by chiropractors for questioning the accuracy of treatment claims.

The British Chiropractic Association today dropped its case against Simon Singh after a landmark Court of Appeal ruling two weeks ago that he could assert a fair comment defense, reports the London Times.

“It’s a huge relief to suddenly have this whole thing disappear. I’m still getting my head around it,” tells the newspaper. “I’ve got stacks of paperwork here in my office, relating to chiropractic and legal documents, and I don’t have to look at it as of today. I don’t know whether I’ll stick it in the attic or burn it.”

Singh says he hopes to require the BCA to pay his defense costs (this is a standard expectation in the British legal system), which he estimates to total about 100,000 pounds.

The London Times article doesn’t include any comment from the BCA.

Related coverage: “Britain Considers Changes to Deter ‘Libel Tourism’” “Lower Legal Fees in Defamation Suits Could Dull Luster of UK Libel Mecca”

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