Law Schools

Rude Law School Applicants Beware: You Are Not That Anonymous

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Rude callers to the admissions office at the University of Michigan Law School are now forewarned: The school has your number—literally.

The warning was posted on the school’s blog A²Z by Sarah Zearfoss, the assistant dean and director of admissions.

“I have some bad news for the recent spate of ‘anonymous’ phone callers to the Admissions Office,” Zearfoss wrote. “What with our being in the 21st century and all, we have caller ID.

“It’s sort of awkward for us when someone calls and says, ‘I don’t want to tell you who I am,’ but we’re sitting there looking at a screen that, in fact, tells us who you are. On the one hand, saying ‘too late!’ seems a little confrontational and snarky; on the other, playing along seems a little disingenuous. The solution? I’m putting it out there: we know who you are.”

Zearfoss says the callers could invest in call-blocking technology, but the better solution to frustration in the admissions process is to abandon rudeness and engage in productive communication. “We’re actually pretty eager on our end to have you hang up feeling satisfied, so give us a try,” she says. “Could be a win-win.”

Hat tip to the Legal Profession Blog, which learned about the dean’s post from Anna Ivey at The Ivey Files.

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