
Rob Lowe & Nanny Who Sued Him Both Proclaim Victory re Court Ruling

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After a California judge’s decision to dismiss a defamation claim by actor Rob Lowe and a retaliation claim by his former nanny, Jessica Gibson, both sides proclaimed victory this week in the ongoing litigation.

It began with a pre-emptive strike by Lowe, 44, who filed a complaint in April claiming that Gibson had demanded $1.5 million in exchange for keeping quiet about his alleged misbehavior, and had violated a confidentiality agreement. In response, Gibson, 24, filed a lawsuit alleging employment discrimination—Lowe repeatedly exposed himself and groped her during her seven-year employment with the family, she contends—and retaliation, according to People and an earlier Today article.

“Since then, a second former nanny, Laura Boyce, 37, filed suit against the Lowes, but only accused the actor’s wife of direct sexual harassment,” People reports.

Superior Court Judge Denise de Bellefeuille threw out Lowe’s defamation claims, apparently ruling that Gibson had a privilege to complain about workplace conditions, according to the magazine.

Gibson is represented by Gloria Allred; Lowe’s attorney is Larry Stein.

Additional coverage:

Jonathan Turley: “So Much For a Spoon Full of Sugar: Nanny Accuses Rob Lowe of Sexual Misconduct”

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