Legal Ethics

Radio-host lawyer is reprimanded after 'angry black women' comment

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Clifford Woodards

Clifford Woodards. Photo from Twitter.

A Michigan lawyer who hosts a Detroit radio program has been reprimanded after telling a probation officer that she had “angry black women’s syndrome.”

The Oct. 19 reprimand by consent (PDF) says lawyer Clifford Woodards of Southfield had failed to treat a person involved in the legal process with courtesy and respect because of race and gender, report the Legal Profession Blog and Woodards is African-American.

The ethics complaint had alleged that Woodards told a probation officer that she didn’t have a husband because she was an angry black woman, and she had “angry black women’s syndrome,” according to an earlier post by the Legal Profession Blog. reached Woodards for comment about the reprimand. “That’s the price you pay for being 55 and having no filter,” he said.

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