Law Students

Organization that prepares law students for corporate work picked up by LSAC

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The Law School Admission Council has acquired the Institute for the Future of Law Practice, a nonprofit founded by lawyers and academics, to train law students on how to practice law with a business mindset.

Course offerings from the organization, known as the IFLP, address legal operations, business design and data analytics, according to a Nov. 3 LSAC news release. The acquisition is part of a plan to expand LawHub, a subscription-based, LSAT test prep platform.

“We are working together with our member law schools, other higher education institutions and organizations like IFLP to bring a connected experience through LawHub to help people succeed every step of the way,” said Annmarie Levins, the LSAC’s chief strategy officer, in the news release.

Kevin Colangelo, the IFLP’s executive director, will join the LSAC as the senior director of LawHub solutions for legal professionals, according to the news release.