Intellectual Property Law

'Octomom' Nadya Suleman Seeks Trademark of Tabloid Moniker

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The controversial California woman who gave birth to octuplets earlier this year has decided to embrace the moniker with which she is often identified in supermarket tabloids and celebrity gossip magazines.

Late last week, Nadya Suleman filed two applications with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office seeking rights to “Octomom,” reports the Smoking Gun.

Suleman, 33, who also has six other children and no known job, plans to use the appellation to brand products such as disposable diapers, according to the filing by the Averill & Varn law firm of Whittier, Calif. The blog provides a copy of the filing as a featured document.

But “Ms. Suleman may have been a day late and a few dollars short in filing her application,” writes JD Supra. Another “Octomom” trademark application was filed in March by a business in Austin, Texas.

Hat tip:

Earlier coverage: “Octuplets’ Mom Tells Dr. Phil: Hospital May Think I Can’t Care for My Babies” “Possible Dad Seeks Paternity Test re Octuplets, Amidst Medical Debate”

Updated at 8:25 p.m. to link to JD Supra post.