Executive Branch

NY Times Calls for Change in 'Warped Crackdown on Illegal Immigration'

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A perp walk on Wednesday featured more than 200 individuals in shackles and prison stripes headed to a new tent city for illegal immigrants in Phoenix.

The tent city, which is surrounded by an electrified fence, is just for illegal immigrants, notes a recent article in the Phoenix Business Journal. It is the brainchild of Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, who has been making headlines for years for his hard-line approach to incarceration.

But the “degrading spectacle” of the immigrant perp walk is emblematic of a bigger problem, the New York Times says in an editorial.

A “warped crackdown on illegal immigration” by the U.S. needs to be cleaned up, both at the state and federal levels, the Times writes. Although such enforcement is lauded by some as an enhancement to homeland security, “a recent Migration Policy Institute study showed that a much-touted campaign of raids against criminal fugitives was a failure. It netted mostly the maids and laborers who are no reasonable person’s idea of a national threat.”

Related coverage:

ABAJournal.com: “Noncitizens Have No Right to Counsel in Deportation Cases, Mukasey Finds”

ABAJournal.com: “Hundreds Held in Another Big ICE Raid”

ABAJournal.com: “Lawyers Seek Criminal Probe in Death of Ailing US Detainee, 34”

ABAJournal.com: “Mexican Drug War Infiltrates All of US”

CNN (1999): “Arizona criminals find jail too in-‘tents’”

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