
No Practice, No Problem: Embattled Mich. Lawyer Gets Job as COO

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Only a few months ago, the future seemingly wasn’t looking rosy for Carl Oosterhouse, a former partner of Dickinson Wright. The Michigan Attorney Discipline Board found that he should have his law license revoked for admittedly misappropriating client and law firm funds at another partnership for which he previously worked, and he resigned from Dickinson Wright.

But now Oosterhouse, who had sought a lesser punishment due to claimed mental disabilities at the time and is appealing the disciplinary board’s finding, has a new job. In an announcement today, he is named as the new chief operating officer of Gainey Corp., a bankrupt trucking giant, reports the Grand Rapids Press.

“Carl is the perfect person to be leading our reorganization based on his vast financial and operational experience, as well as his more than two decades of working with our team as a trusted advisor and friend,” says Harvey Gainey, a company founder and CEO.

Gainey has been prohibited by a Chapter 11 bankruptcy judge from drawing a further salary without court approval, the newspaper notes.

Earlier coverage: “Discipline Board Yanks Law License of Dickinson Wright Partner”

Grand Rapids Press: “Panel wants local attorney disbarred”

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