Business of Law

Niche Practice for Some Divorce Lawyers Is Helping Men Deal with 'Biases and Challenges'

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Practitioners differ on whether advertising a matrimonial law firm’s focus on representing men is largely a marketing ploy or a useful effort to try to ensure that the rights of male clients aren’t overlooked in what can be acrimonious court battles for assets and child custody.

But there appears to be little question that advertising to potential male clients what Bill Goldberg of Goldberg Jones describes as a law firm “very, very familiar with the biases and challenges” strikes a chord with some, the Wall Street Journal (sub. req.) reports.

Goldberg, whose Portland and San Diego law offices focus on men and matrimonial issues, acknowledges that there’s only so much a law firm can do. However, he and other practitioners point out that a specialist’s emphasis on men and a familiarity with issues that many commonly face can be helpful.

For example, simply making sure that a client realizes that it’s important to establish a home base close to where the kids live can be a critical first step in a custody case, attorney David Pisarra, who operates a similar firm in Santa Monica, tells the newspaper.

On the other hand, those who believe a law firm can give them everything they want are likely to be disappointed, according to Ann Bauer of St. Louis, a former chair of the family law section of the Missouri Bar.

“Look at the marketing for men saying, ‘We’re going to help you keep the dollars you’ve earned.’ Wait a minute—you can’t change Missouri law,” Bauer said. “Pretty much we’re going to divide the property down the middle.”

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