New Practice Area for Nev. Firm: Suing State Over Child Abuse
To report a case of child abuse, you call a state agency. But what do you do when the state agency itself is mistreating a child?
Two brothers who practice law together in Las Vegas have an answer to that question for people concerned about abused foster children in Nevada: Call them. So far, Byron and Gregory Mills have five active cases in their fledgling legal specialty, in which they seek damages on behalf of children who allegedly have been taken from abusive or neglectful parents only to suffer further in the foster system, reports In Business Las Vegas.
“The system has to change, and so far the only way we can see to do it is lawsuits. Unfortunately it’s the only way,” Byron Mills tells the weekly publication. “There’s no funding to help kids abused in the system, and it’s been going on for years. They’re not getting the protection and the counseling they deserve after something like that happens. In many cases it’s simply been covered up.”
To prevent problem parents from exploiting the situation, any funds obtained by the firm for surviving children will be held in trust for them, he explains. However, the firm welcomes calls from parents and other family members concerned about foster children who may need help.
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