New Law Firm Marketing Technique: 99-Cent Gas
There’s no word on whether Kentucky personal injury attorney Kevin Renfro and the Becker Law Office, picked up any new clients.
But his law firm-sponsored 99-cent gas sale at a local station in Louisville certainly garnered a lot of free publicity and a captive audience. Motorists lined up as early as midnight to be among the first 250 in line and qualify for a sharply reduced price from the local average of $4.27 per gallon, starting at 6 a.m., according to the Courier-Journal.
“Members of the law office’s promotional staff and employees of Peritus Public Relations pumped the gas for the customers,” the newspaper reports.
“It seemed like oil companies go out of the way to gouge travelers on a day when we should celebrate our independence and especially today the state gas tax went into effect do I think the timing was perfect for doing this today,” Renfro, of the Becker Law Office, tells WAVE, a local NBC affiliate.
The promotion was on the same day that the state increased the fuel tax to 21.1 cents per gallon.
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