Criminal Justice

New Hampshire AG Won't Charge Ex-Prosecutor over Fantasy Football League

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A former county prosecutor in New Hampshire won’t face charges over work emails discussing fantasy football.

New Hampshire Attorney General Michael Delaney issued a statement on Monday announcing his decision not to prosecute, report the Union Leader and the Eagle-Tribune.

Ross McLeod resigned from his position as a Hillsborough County prosecutor in February when his boss, County Attorney Dennis Hogan, confronted him about the emails. McLeod is also a selectman in Windham.

McLeod’s troubles began when a candidate for town treasurer filed a right-to-know request for McLeod’s emails. McLeod was running for re-election as a selectman at the time, and he was allied with the treasurer candidate’s political rivals, the Eagle-Tribune says. When the county attorney found references to the fantasy league in the emails, his office asked the state attorney general to investigate the possibility of illegal gambling.

McLeod told the Union Leader in a separate story that he is pleased with the attorney general’s decision. “It was a thorough investigation, I was pleased to have been able to cooperate, and I’m obviously pleased with the outcome,” he said.

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