State's online bar exam is delayed after tech glitch
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Some test-takers of the online Michigan bar exam had a brief password glitch on Tuesday, the state supreme court announced in a late morning tweet.
Test-takers were notified by email that extra exam time will be given for anyone who was affected, John Nevin, communications director of the Michigan Supreme Court’s office of public information, told the ABA Journal.
The state is relying on software called ExamSoft for the one-day online test, and the software company posted on Tuesday information that bar “applicants who did not experience a significant delay” could continue testing at the originally scheduled times. The writing also had password information.
“Here’s what happened: After a smooth start to Module 1, the ExamSoft site went down for test-takers to be able to retrieve their password. The vendor support line and Board of Law Examiners office were giving out the password and around 200 people were testing within 10 minutes. ExamSoft pushed out an email with the password and everyone was able to get in to the second module and start testing shortly thereafter,” Nevin wrote in an email to the ABA Journal.
See also: “Online bar exams delayed in 2 states because of issues with testing software”
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