Legal Ethics

Mayer Brown Partner Denied Mistrial Over Juror’s Finger Cut Threat

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Mayer Brown partner Joseph Collins, accused of misleading investors in the public offering for Refco Inc., won’t get a mistrial over an unusual juror feud.

A juror known as Kevin complained to U.S. District Judge Robert Patterson of Manhattan on Thursday that another juror had threatened to cut off his finger, the New York Law Journal reports.

“She made that statement twice,” according to the note from the complaining juror, identified as Kevin. “In the same tirade she stated, ‘I will have my husband take care of you.’ ”

A later note from the jury foreman said the altercation “could be traced to both parties involved.” Patterson denied a mistrial motion.

Jurors had been deliberating for six days in the trial of Collins, accused of helping Refco hide more than $2.4 billion in debt. Collins contends he was an honest lawyer duped by the lies of Refco executives.