Court Security

Man gets up to 7 years for breaking into and vandalizing prosecutor's home

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A man who broke into a Missouri prosecutor’s home last year, vandalizing it and nearby property as he drove around in the prosecutor’s two vehicles, has been sentenced to prison term of as much as seven years.

Court records don’t explain why David Metty, 26, acted as he did, but note that the Wright County prosecutor wasn’t home at the time, reports the White Plains Daily Quill. He had prosecuted both Metty and some family members.

Metty pleaded guilty earlier to 12 charges, including tampering, property damage, resisting arrest, careless and imprudent driving and driving with a revoked license. Authorities said he damaged a screened porch, a door, several windows and fencing at the prosecutor’s home. The case was prosecuted in Howell County Circuit Court to avoid a conflict.

Hat tip: Associated Press

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