Law Firms

Major Jacksonville PI Firm is Splitting Up

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Two longtime law partners in Jacksonville, Fla., have agreed to an amicable split, saying that their plaintiff personal injury firm had grown so large they were essentially officing together rather than practicing together.

Woody Wilner and Robert Spohrer now plan to dissolve the firm they formed in 1991 and go their separate ways, although they still may try cases together sometimes, reports the Florida Times-Union.

All 12 of the firm’s lawyers reportedly will have an opportunity to continue working with one or the other of the two partners, although most plan to stay with Spohrer. He will continue specializing in aviation and medical malpractice, while Wilner will focus on tobacco, product design and class action litigation.

“We both kind of felt we were running separate practices in this firm,” says Wilner. “We’ve had a good run.”