
Life in the Law: Longtime Ga. Practitioner Tries New Challenge

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Practicing law is a family affair for Franklin Horne Jr. The 63-year-old real estate attorney and developer has his own firm in Macon, Ga., where he practices with his son, Stebin Horne and daughter-in-law, Christi Horne, as his cocker spaniel, Lucy, sleeps in a bed beside his desk.

A former state representative for a decade, he looks back with pride on the civil rights legislation he voted for. In his youth, his state championship Little League team came within an inning of going to the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa., and Horne says the game teaches many lessons that are useful in later life, reports the Macon Telegraph.

Now, after 37 years practicing law, Horne was ready for a new challenge and recently became a partner in a real estate development company that is working on a 1,000-acre mixed-use project known as Hartley Station.

Although Horne enjoys fishing and reading, he doesn’t plan to retire anytime soon. “Allowing for good health, I hope I can practice law for another 10 to 15 years and be effective at what I do,” he says.

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