Legal Stories Win Pulitzers for Publications
Prestigious Pulitzer prizes for outstanding journalism were announced today, several for legal reporting. Among the winners, according to the Pulitzer Web site:
The Wall Street Journal (in the public service category), for its probe of backdated stock options. Links to the articles are provided on the Wall Street Journal Web site (subscription required).
The Miami Herald (local reporting), for stories on the Miami housing agency that led to prosecutions.
The Boston Globe (national reporting), for, as the press release puts it, “revelations that President Bush often used ‘signing statements’ to assert his controversial right to bypass provisions of new laws.”
Finalists included: The Seattle Times (investigative reporting), for a series on how hundreds of sealed lawsuits subverted justice; the Baltimore Sun (local reporting), for print and online stories reporting “about abuses under an archaic state law that threatened to turn hundreds out of their homes”; the Chicago Tribune (national reporting), for an “investigation of a 1989 execution in Texas that strongly suggest an innocent man was killed by lethal injection”; and the St. Petersburg Times (feature writing), for “fresh and compelling stories about a young public defender and his daily challenges.”
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