
Legal industry loses 1,400 jobs in March following big gain in February

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The legal services industry lost 1,400 jobs in March, leaving it 35,000 jobs behind where it was in March 2020—the month that the coronavirus outbreak was declared a pandemic.

The job loss in March 2021 followed a gain of 5,900 jobs in February, according to revised and seasonally adjusted numbers released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The bureau had initially reported a higher gain of 7,200 jobs in February.

The legal industry had 1,127,600 jobs in March 2021, down from 1,129,000 jobs in February 2021. The number of legal jobs in January 2021 was 1,123,100.

The March 2020 job number was the high-water mark for the past year. In April 2020, the sector lost 68,000 jobs, according to revised numbers.

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