ABA Techshow

Lawyers Who Ignore Social Media Equal to Cavemen Who Refuse to Hunt, Techshow Duo Says

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“Social media is to marketing what email is to business communication.” This bold analogy on the importance of building an online network of relationships underscored the discussion of co-presenters Robert Ambrogi and Reid Trautz at ABA Techshow on Monday on ways to use social media to boost your overall reputation and marketing scheme.

With the proliferation of websites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Avvo, Facebook or any of the hundreds of other online communities, today’s lawyers can no longer rely on static websites to generate business and enhance reputations. The duo’s No. 1 bit of advice? Start a legal blog.

“As far as arrows in your quiver, there is nothing more powerful you can do online to enhance reputation than start a blog,” Ambrogi said. Blogs allow you to demonstrate knowledge and expertise while building trust-filled connections with colleagues and potential clients.

Other online networking tips include:

• Don’t overreact about ethics rules. Follow the same etiquette for sharing (and common sense) that you would at a professional cocktail party.

• Complete your full profile on LinkedIn. More than 100 million professionals are connected on the site and that number grows daily.

• Look at who your competitors are connected to on the Web. Ask if that is someone you should be connected to as well.

• Start slow. Trautz suggests a minimum of one status update a week that shares legal insight, a news story or anecdote of interest to your followers.

• Fish where the fish are. Facebook is the most highly trafficked website in the world and, according to Ambrogi, a great tool for nurturing your existing network.

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