Legal Marketing

Lawyers Pay Big for Sponsored Ad Links

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Some personal injury lawyers are paying upwards of $50 a click for sponsored ads on Google.

The lawyers pay for their ads to appear when certain search terms are used by Google Web surfers. Their cost is based on the number of times readers click on their ads.

Lawyers are willing to pay $51.68 every time someone clicks on their ad appearing with the search term “asbestos attorney,” Adam Liptak writes in his Sidebar column for the New York Times.

The per-click cost of “Oakland personal injury lawyer” is $58.03, while the cost of “mesothelioma attorney Texas” is $65.21, he writes.

The most expensive search terms are listed on CyberWire. Sam Elhag, who writes for CyberWire, says lawyers are among the professionals willing to pay the most. “The four leading industries are definitely law, medicine, finance and travel,” he says.

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