Criminal Justice

Lawyer's 'free legal tips' for clueless defendants are based on experience

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West Virginia lawyer L. Scott Briscoe says he’s learned a few things during his 19 years of law practice. And he’s sharing those lessons on Facebook with a series of more than 50 “free legal tips.”

The Huffington Post notes Briscoe’s tips. They include:

• “Drinking ice water just before your drug test does not adequately explain why your urine sample is cold.”

• “When selecting your alibi witness, do not choose one who was already in jail while you were ‘not’ committing your own crime.”

• “When choosing a car to break into, and the credit cards inside to buy your meth-making materials locally, please do not select the car belonging to the judge’s wife.”

• “Men, when a woman asks you to send proof of your girth and length by holding your credit card next to it in the photo, it’s not your pride and joy she’s wanting to see. Major points for identity theft creativity.”

• “The only people who should wear pajamas in the courthouse are infants. Grown-ups, stop. Just stop.”

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