Constitutional Law

Lawyer Who Sued President and Three Justices Targets Obama

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A Philadelphia lawyer who has sued President Bush and three U.S. Supreme Court justices has filed a new suit against a new high-profile defendant—Barack Obama.

In his latest lawsuit with a political twist, lawyer Philip Berg of Lafayette Hill claims Obama was born in Kenya and he should be thrown off the ballot for lying about his citizenship, the Bucks County Courier Times reports. It also claims he later declared himself a citizen of Indonesia.

Berg’s suit against Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney claimed they had advance notice of the Sept. 11 attacks. His suit against Justices Clarence Thomas, Antonin Scalia and Sandra Day O’Connor said they should disbar themselves for deciding Bush v. Gore, Washington Times reports.

Obama has posted his birth certificate showing he was born in Honolulu to dispel rumors that he is not a citizen. “Maybe Mr. Berg should show us his copy of the United States map where Hawaii isn’t a state,” said Obama spokeswoman Ellen Mellody.

Berg is a Hillary Clinton supporter but he says he is not connected with her campaign, the Washington Times story says. His website seeks donations and posts the legal documents.

Critics have also questioned whether Obama’s opponent John McCain is a U.S. citizen because of his birth in the Panama Canal Zone.

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