Internet Law

Lawyer Sues Google for Low-Quality Ads

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A lawyer has sued Google for charging him for pay-for-click ads that got poor placement.

Boston lawyer Hal Levitte says Google charged him $136 for ads on error pages and on parked domains—Internet addresses that are registered but have no Web pages, CNet News reports.

Levitte’s suit (PDF), filed in federal court in San Jose, says none of the ads on those pages produced potential clients, although 668 people clicked through to Levitte’s website from the parked domains and 25 clicked through from the error pages.

“Domain and error page ads accounted for approximately 16.2 percent of all clicks on plaintiff’s ads during his campaign, yet did not result in a single person completing the online form on the site, or contacting the plaintiff by phone or e-mail,” the lawsuit says.

The suit seeks class action status and claims the ads constituted fraud and unjust enrichment, Information Week reports.

Hat tip to Legal Blog Watch.

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