Lawyer Creates Special Underwear for Modest Airline Passengers
A Northern Kentucky lawyer has turned underwear salesman with the goal of offering a solution for modest airline passengers.
Lawyer Marc Carey’s T-shirts, undies and briefs contain strategically placed emblems designed to blur a person’s private parts in airport scanners, report and The prices start at $14.99. The emblems for men and women are patriotic stars and eagles, while kids’ T-shirts sport a happy face, according to Carey’s website,
Carey says the special ink used on his shirts blurs body parts that aren’t subject to search during a pat down by airport screeners from the Transportation Security Administration. “They’re not protest garments,” Carey told “They’re designed to be a reasonable compromise for travelers to allow the TSA to do their job, but allow people to travel without a great deal of inconvenience and preserve their dignity.”
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