Law Firm Layoffs Make Job Search Harder for Law Students
As laid-off lawyers look for work, they are competing not only against each other but a fresh crop of would-be legal eagles about to graduate from law school within the next year or so.
And for those still in the legal education pipeline, the ongoing deluge of bad news about layoffs, pay freezes, new associate start date delays and offer revocations is a daunting reminder of what they already know is a challenging job market, according to Minnesota Lawyer.
“It’s scary and frustrating,” says John McBeain, 24, who is a second-year student at William Mitchell College of Law in St. Paul, Minn. Although he is on law review there, he doesn’t yet have a summer position lined up.
At the University of St. Thomas School of Law in St. Paul, third-year student Rasheen Tillman estimates that perhaps two-thirds of her classmates are still looking for work. The job-search is stressful, she says–especially when she thinks about the $100,000 she owes in student loans.
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