
Law Firm to Clients: Feds Tapped Our Phones

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Lawyers at a Vermont firm that represents clients being held in the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay and in Afghanistan believe the federal government may be wiretapping their law office phones.

So Gensburg, Atwell & Broderick sent a letter to other clients of the firm on Oct. 2, warning them it can’t guarantee their telephone conversations with firm lawyers are confidential, reports the Associated Press. The firm’s three attorneys also think the federal government is monitoring the law firm’s computer system.

“Although our investigation is not complete, we are quite confident that it is the United States government that has been doing the phone tapping and computer hacking,” they say in the letter.

David Sleigh, a lawyer representing attorney Robert Gensburg of the St. Johnsbury firm, says he believes the government can argue, under current federal law, that it is entitled to tap into his client’s phone and computer without a warrant.

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