U.S. Supreme Court

Law Dean Touts Football Tickets in Successful Letter to Chief Justice

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The dean of the University of Michigan Law School offered Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. tickets to a football game and a $15,000 honorarium to make an appearance and help the school celebrate its 150th anniversary.

Roberts declined the honorarium, the Michigan Daily reports. He will appear at the school this weekend.

“Many have wondered what exactly the best tack is to take when trying to get a visit from the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court,” the newspaper says. “University officials went with football tickets to the Notre Dame game. It worked.”

The newspaper quoted from the invitation letter (PDF posted by the Michigan Daily) sent by Dean Evan Caminker. “I recognize that you receive many more invitations to visit law schools than you can possibly accept,” Caminker wrote, “but I daresay that Michigan Law can offer something no other law school can: a seat at midfield in the Big House!”

Roberts is at least the third Supreme Court justice to visit the law school in the last five years, the story says. The school’s law library director, Margaret Leary, told the Michigan Daily that Roberts will participate in an informal question-and-answer session led by Caminker. A press advisory has more details.

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