
Ken Starr Admits Disappointment over Failure to Get Supreme Court Nod

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Whitewater special prosecutor Kenneth Starr has many accomplishments in his career, including solicitor general, federal judge and now dean of Pepperdine University School of Law. But there is one gap on his resumé causing regret—for Starr and likely many conservatives who had hoped the U.S. Supreme Court would take more of a rightward tilt.

In an interview yesterday with WCCO-AM in Minneapolis, Starr acknowledged he was “very disappointed” to be passed over for a Supreme Court nomination during the presidency of the first George Bush, the Minnesota Independent reports. Chosen instead was David H. Souter, who is now retiring from the court.

Starr was also a member of the ABA Journal Board of Editors.

Updated at 12:30 p.m. to indicate conservatives hoped for a rightward tilt.

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