Law Day voting-rights theme highlights importance of ballot-box access, ABA president says

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This year’s Law Day focuses on voting rights, with events ranging from high school oratory and grade-school poster contests to panel discussions and free CLE programs.

The events are based on the theme, “American Democracy and the Rule of Law: Why Every Vote Matters.”

ABA President James R. Silkenat says in a video message that the theme “highlights the importance of voting and of ensuring that our nation’s election laws permit the broadest, least restrictive access to the ballot box. When an eligible voter is deprived of the opportunity to cast a ballot, the harm is not only to that voter but also to our government, which becomes that much less representative of the people.”

Silkenat’s Law Day schedule included a discussion this morning with high school students, a breakfast with teachers, an appearance at a lunch-time roundtable on voting at the National Press Club, and another appearance this evening at a panel discussion about universal suffrage and democracy at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

President Obama’s Law Day proclamation is here (PDF). Law Day tweets are at #ABAlawday.

Related article:

ABA Journal: “Law Day 2014 emphasizes the importance of the right to vote”

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