Criminal Justice

Firm's Blog Post Leads to Arrest of Calif. Hit-and-Run Suspect

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A description of a hit-and-run accident on a California law firm’s blog has led to the arrest of a suspect in the case.

Bisnar Chase, which has offices in Newport Beach and Santa Monica, posted a description of the Jan. 31 accident in Corona on California Injury Blog in early February, according to a Business Wire press release. The hit-and-run left a pedestrian seriously injured, with 19 broken bones and brain damage.

At the end of June, an informant contacted partner John Bisnar, after seeing the blog post, the press release recounts. That helped lead to the arrest of Kelly Marie Sandoval on July 1. She was charged with a felony hit-and-run and driving on a suspended license.

“We are gratified that we played a part in identifying the hit-and-run suspect,” Bisnar says. “But the credit goes to the informant, a courageous public citizen, and to the professionals of the Corona Police Department for making the arrest.”

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