Law Schools

Law schools and ABA start new group focused on policing

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A collaboration between the American Bar Association and 52 law schools will focus on developing model police practices around issues including officer conduct, public safety and policies that cause race-based disparate impact.

Named the Legal Education Police Practices Consortium, it will be organized within the ABA Criminal Justice Section, according to a news release.

Plans include engaging with police departments, supporting scholarship and research and developing new policy for consideration by the ABA House of Delegate, as well as promoting existing ABA policies on policing.

“The ABA has the ability to bring together diverse groups to address these problems and the duty to act to help bring racial equality to our criminal justice system,” ABA President Patricia Lee Refo said in the news release. “The consortium will engage law students and legal experts from around the country in studying and forming solutions to help improve policing practices in our communities.”