Bar Exam

Jurisdictions are switching back to in-person bar exam starting in February

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The February 2022 bar exam for California will be administered in person, the California Supreme Court announced in a Wednesday order. Various jurisdictions have made similar announcements, including New York, Illinois and Texas.

The news follows a June announcement from the National Conference of Bar Examiners, stating that unless there are public health restrictions, its February 2022 bar exam materials would only be available for paper-based in-person testing.

In California, the state supreme court told the state bar’s board of trustees in April 2020 to work with the NCBE to develop an online administration of the bar exam because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The state originally planned to have the bar exam in September 2020. But in July, it pushed the test date back to October. As was the case in many jurisdictions, California’s remote bar exams have had various software problems in 2020 and 2021.

In other bar exam news, the Michigan Supreme Court announced in an Oct. 13 order that it has adopted the NCBE’s uniform bar exam, and its July 2022 bar exam will be the UBE.